These are some that I've made for various swaps. My first doll was the one that can be seen on top of my craft cupboard in a previous posting. Once I have some very dark brown mohair I will be a little closer to completing her. She reminds me so much of my High School Headmistress LOL.

Above right - "Raggedy Spice"- Her necklace, buttons and the gingerbread man are made from cinnamon dough. The pin was made from a free online pattern ( I think it may have been a 'Mogs Design' )
Above left another Raggedy made from the same pattern for a friend's Birthday.

This teddy was made from mock suede and was supposed to have worn a dress, but I thought 'he' should sport a tie instead. As my swap partner lives in NZ, I embroidered the raw silk tie with Australian wildflowers.

My version of "Lalie Rose" a design by Judy Gray from a Homespun Doll and Bear Mag.
Dear Helen,
I love your raggedies - they are always very popular with most people - memeories of childhood I think. But then I noticed that you did Lala Rose as well- so did I - she was such a love to make wasnt she?? - Somewhere I have a photo of my version (which is so close to yours mmmm I think we were having a twinnig moment ??)
I must find her and put her photo onto my blog as well - but I do so love yours - shes so pretty!!
love n hugs bear xoxoxoxo
an oopsa so here is a PS - I am so happy to see your little man with his very special tie- did you do the embroidery on his tie as well - he is a boy bear very definatly and gorjas to boot
love n hugs beara xoxoxoxoxo
Hi Helen.
I love your dolls and the bears...
I Have also made a few bears, mainly in mohair...The girl bear is so sweet!..and the boy bear is gorgeous with his little silk tie..
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