
I've just received a photo of a doll just like the one I had as a child. The pic came in an email from a lovely lady in the UK who identified my doll from a description I'd given her. I was made to give away all of my dolls and a lovely big teddy with growler before we emigrated to Australia back in 1969. I do think that my parents misunderstood how many of our belongings we'd be able to bring and I guess that toys weren't as important as many other items. As it turned out, we actually could have brought nearly everything but a few larger furniture pieces. This photo is the next best thing to having the doll as it brings back many memories. By the way the doll is a Pedigree Pretty Peepers made in 1957. It had jointed legs and a button on its stomach that when pressed would make the doll's eyes turn to the right, then with each successive press, to the left and then the eyes would change from blue to brown
I've also posted a pic of a lovely depression glass rose bowl of my Mother's. It is now missing it's matching glass frog, which would have been about 2 inches high and across. It was broken before I inherited it. If anyone knows where I might find a replacement, I would be most grateful.
Hello Helen, it was good to hear from you. What a coincidence about the art gallery hey? I certainly want to give it a go and I was supposed to have completed some charms for it this week (a deadline I had set myself)but my son had to have emergency surgery on Sunday so my week has been a bit topsy turvy. I think I will do a collection of small botnicals for the gift shop...will you have a specific theme?
I really like all the things you have been posting about and I think your photos have been very good.
I am very fascinated by apostle birds (and all birds for that matter) as they are real characters. We don't have them at our place so I have to wait to see them at my sister-in-laws farm.
Anyway, hope your day is a good one and we might bump into each other at the gallery one day,
What an interesting collection of things you have on your blog Helen! Thanks for the comment on mine about spider plants. I used to have one years ago that had multiple babies all the time. Looked really good grouped with medium blue streptocarpus plants!
Hi Helen! I'd be mourning the lost of my beloved toys to this day! I've kept some of my dolls from my childhood, moving them right along with me. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your comment on my thrift shop finds. Have a great day! ~ Lynda ♥
Hi Helen,
I could not use your email, as I have the moderation set up on my blog, have no idea how to change it. Please use my email:mariah@netspace.net.au
The answer to your question is YES
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